View – Alphabetical

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Prefix Organization Purpose Web Site Contact Registered
I Iocomp Software Inc. iXXX www.iocomp.com Marshall J Carroll 15-Jun-1999
IA Intelligent Alternatives Reserved; Reserved Thomas W. Clay 04-Jul-1998
IA TIAeverButton,TIAeverButtonPRO www.geocities.com/andronovin Igor Andronov 16-Jan-2000
IB CPS - Mesa AZ InterBase Objects; Interbase www.ibobjects.com Jason Wharton 01-Feb-1999
IBO CPS - Mesa AZ IB Objects TDataset-compatible www.ibobjects.com Jason Wharton 21-Aug-2003
IBR Ingenieurbuero Axel C. Rahn www.ib-rahn.de Michael Schatz 27-Apr-2000
IBRT Ing Buero R.Tschaggelar reserved www.ibrtses.com Rene Tschaggelar 04-Sep-1999
IB_ CPS - Mesa AZ IB Objects Native DAO and Cont www.ibobjects.com Jason Wharton 21-Aug-2003
IC ITI Condaptriol home.earthlink.net/~condaptriol L. S. Lichtmann 12-Jun-1999
IC InComp www.incomp.cz/delphi Pavel Vodicka 15-Oct-1999
IC Intellecare.com RESERVED www.intellecare.com David Lively 24-Nov-1999
ica Ninah Ltd Reserved Carl Caulkett 24-Jun-2000
ICE VisionOne, Inc. Internetworking Collaborative www.v-1.com Nick Slevkoff 11-Oct-1999
ICK devSoft Inc. Internet Commerce Kit; Internet Commerce www.dev-soft.com Anli Shundi 15-May-1998
ICM ICM Solutions Jim Wood 28-Apr-1999
ICOMS ICOMS Internet Commerce; Commercial Transact www.icoms.com Darryl Wagoner 12-May-1998
ICT Reserved Alexander Sibilev 05-Aug-1999
ID Carl Caulkett Ideal Components; IDE Enhancements Carl Caulkett 04-Aug-1998
Id Kudzu (Chad Z. Hower) and the Indy Pit C Internet Direct (Indy) www.nevrona.com/Indy J. Peter Mugaas (Chairperson, 05-Aug-2001
ide RiviSoft ide Pack François Rivierre 15-Feb-2003
IDEA Idea Translation Corporation Reserved www.IdeaCorp.ca Gary Shields 05-Jul-2000
IDI Information Dynamics Intl www.dynamics.net Martin Kammann 27-Feb-2000
IDO iDOiNK Various www.idoink.com Edwin Harrell 11-Jul-1999
IDS Internetix Design Studios Various www.shadesofdelphi.com Githrie Ward 27-Oct-1999
IE Silver Wolf Software TieBrowser, TieDocument, TieDH silverwolf.com Joseph J Wolff 07-Oct-1999
IF Innerfuse Services All our components Weyert R. de Boer 12-Aug-2000
IFPS Innerfuse Innerfuse Pascal Script www.carlo-kok.com Carlo Kok 05-Aug-2001
ifs various Geoff Groube 23-May-2000
IG InfoGlide Corporation All www.infoglide.com John Ripley 21-Apr-1999
IM Danysoft International Reserved; Reserved www.marteens.com Ian Marteens 30-Dec-1998
IMG Pivotal Application Development TImgView alex stewart 13-Mar-2000
IMP Colin Davies Export/Import Components; Import /Export Data ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/colin_davies Colin Davies 30-Dec-1899
IN Inel co. Valery Domozhirov 05-Nov-1999
INFR Reserved; Reserved 07-Jul-1998
INO iNO Design inoDial/inoEnvelope/inoMidi et www.interlog.com/~ino Andrew Pedersen 14-Jun-1999
INS Insight Media Internet Ltd. Various www.insight-media.co.uk/ Darren Eckersley 06-May-1999
INT InterSoft www.intersoft.nl Rene Pijnacker 15-Apr-1999
inv Whizz Works (S) Pte Ltd Plan B Accounting System lassie.finalfiler.com Peck Kim Han 20-Aug-2000
IO IPOS as Reserved; Reserved www.ipos.no Jens Dein 01-Jul-1998
io FELDIO.NET FELDIo General Deon Haupt 05-Dec-2008
ioi ioIsland.com www.ioisland.com Seth Yama 25-Oct-2003
IPW devSoft Inc. IP*Works! suite; Internet/Intranet www.dev-soft.com Anli Shundi 15-May-1998
IQ IQUIP Informatica BV All www.iquip.nl Serge Beaumont 27-Jan-2000
IQT InquisiTech, Inc. Reserved Chad Barker 06-Sep-2000
IS Innovation Software reserved Raymond Cheung 07-Jun-1999
IS Impet Software Reserved Nikolai Davydik 23-Jul-1999
is Infinity Software www.cmpenney.com Chad Penney 10-Jul-2000
IS Infinity Software CM11a www.cmpenney.com Chad Penney 06-Sep-2000
ISA Geraldo Lopes de Souza Geraldo Lopes de souza 08-Feb-2002
IsC IsConnected Development isconnected.cjb.net Erik de Voogd 06-Sep-2000
ISG Infinity Software Group ISG Components; Security/ToolKit www.InfSoft.com David Clark 27-Apr-1998
ISI ISI Datentechnik GmbH Reserved www.isi.de Erwin Schätzle 27-Nov-1999
ISS Intelligent Software Solutions (iSS) Reserved Gerhard Venter 01-Jul-1999
IT Intouch Technology Inc. Reserved www.intouch-usa.com Chris Heberle 08-Dec-1999
IT InThink Corporation reserved www.inthink.com Dmitry Arefiev 18-Apr-2000
it Internet Technology DE GmbH TitGrid www.i-technology.de Gregor Rayman 12-Sep-2000
ita Pitney Bowes Canada - I.T. Architecture www.pitneybowes.ca Bruce McGee 24-Feb-2000
ITC Infotech Consulting Reserved www.infotech.ch Martin Kopp 28-Jul-1999
ITC Idea Translation Corporation Reserved Gary Shields 05-Jul-2000
ITCS In Touch Computer Support Reserved; Reserved www.adam.com.au/kevinje Kevin Jesshope 05-May-1998
ITK iTerCom kBanner www.itercom.com Enrique Ortuño 14-Jun-2000
ITP John Langley Reserved; Reserved John Langley 19-Mar-1999
ITR jglenn@intrastar.com Multiple components www.intrastar.com Jeff Glenn 02-Apr-1999
iTW iT-WORX Ltd ISOReader www.it-worx.hu Gabor Keve 08-Jun-2004
IV Paritech Reserved www.paritech.com.au Paul Klink 16-Sep-2001
IWA Immo Wache 19-Apr-2000
Ix Raize Software Inspex Components www.raize.com/DevTools/Inspex Ray Konopka 22-Jan-2013
ix Internet Technology DE GmbH www.i-technology.de Gregor Rayman 12-Sep-2000
ix Ixian Software Components Ltd Barry Carr 28-Aug-2001
IX Ixian Software Components Ltd www.ixian-software.com Barry Carr 13-May-2002

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